2000 International Zcar Convension in Las vegas<PART 1>

Y2K Zcar Convension in Las vegas
June 25th -30st 2000
<2000 International Zcar Convension - Happy 30th Anniversary to the Zcar>

(1) Nissan USA HQ (June 25th) (2) At Nissan USA HQ. preticapents from Japan

(3) Menbers from Group Z (4) A sticker designed by a Japanese for the event

(5) 2..8L turbo from Japan. Cooling was top on the menu for the car but high temputure was seen on the way

(6) Cross flow typr engine makes it debut in the States

(7) Z32 of a employee of Nissan USA. Has the works on the Brakes and suspention

(8) The praking lot is full of Z & Z mannias!!

(9) Mr.K & his ex-secratery with the praticipents fro Japan

(10) Just beutiful

(11) Z cars from Japan. Maybe one of the best exshast sounds on the spot

(12) On the road!! Next stop, LAS VEGAS


(13) Mr.Takakamo with a RB26 tiwn turbo engine S130 at ZZyZX Rd

(14) trust me it was a very hot day!

(15) every gathering up at the service point on the way